Future Simple Tense
form, uses, timeline

Future Simple Tense form, uses, timeline​

Future Simple tense uses are to talk about actions that are to happen at a time after now. Find explanations of the Future Simple Tense form, uses, timeline below. 


The Future Simple tense is formed using: 
– modal auxiliary will  (or shall *)
– verb base

* traditionally shall was used in the affirmative form for the first person singular and plural (‘I’ and ‘we’). This has become less common in recent times. Shall continues to be used to form questions.

Future Simple Tense

affirmative: subject + will + verb base
negative: subject + will + not + verb base
question: will + subject + verb base
negative question: will + subject + not + verb base

Forms for the verb to clean


I shall / will clean
you will clean
he/she/it will clean
we will clean
you will clean
they will clean


I shall / will not clean
you will not clean
he/she/it will not clean
we will not clean
you will not clean
they will not clean


shall I clean?
will you clean?
will he/she/it clean?
shall we clean?
will you clean?
will they clean?

negative questions

shall I not clean?
will you not clean?
will he/she/it not clean?
shall we not clean?
will you not clean?
will they not clean?


to express a situation or intention in the future
I will go to work tomorrow.
James will repair the car himself.
Won’t the cake burn if you leave it in any longer?

to make a prediction
By 2050 we will have flying cars.
The new perfume smells so good it will sell out quickly.

to express willingness / unwillingness to do something
I’ll do the washing up
We will never eat at that restaurant again.

to make promises or threats
I’ll come over at 8 p.m.
I’ll tell on you.

when making a spontaneous decision
I’ll go to the shop

in the interrogative to make a suggestion or offer
Shall we go to France for the weekend?
Will you marry me?

in the interrogative to ask for help
Will you help me find my wallet please?


Auxiliary verbs are often contracted, especially in spoken and informal written language

More on contracted auxiliary verbs 

Future Simple Tense form, uses, timeline