Preposition Definition AND Types

The preposition definition can be confusing. A preposition is a word that is used to link nouns, pronouns or phrases to other parts of a sentence. They express the relationship of time and space between different elements. Below we’ll explore preposition definition and types with examples.
Prepositions are always followed by a noun or a pronoun, never a verb.
Most prepositions are a single word, but a few are made up of 2 or 3 words.
There are a hundred or more prepositions in English, divided into categories:
prepositions of time
prepositions of place
preposition of direction / movement
NOTE – some prepositions appear in more than one category/p>
Prepositions of time communicate when or for how long something happened.
They are used with hours, days, dates, seasons, celebrations, parts of the day and other indicators of time.
in | by | ago |
at | within | until |
on | before | |
for | after | to |
since | during | past |
in – meaning ‘during the course of ‘
My birthday is in January.
at – refers to a specific time
We are meeting for dinner at 8pm.
on – refers to a specific day or date
Tony arrived on Friday.
for – used with a duration of time
I’ve lived here for six years
since – looks back to when something started
They’ve been married since 1985.
by – up to a point in time
It gets dark by about 4pm in winter in England.
within – sets a time limit for something
He should be here within an hour.
before – refers to a time prior
He learned to walk before he was one.
after – refers to a time past another time or event
We got home after midnight.
during – something happens while something else is happening
My phone rang during the meeting.
ago – refers to how far back something happened
We first went to Mexico twelve years ago.
until – up to a certain point in time
I read until I fell asleep.
from…to – for specifying a period of time with a start and end
I work from Mondays to Fridays.
to – used for telling the time
The train arrived at ten minutes to three.
past – used for telling the time
The train lest at five minutes past four.
in | months | in January |
years | in 1922 | |
centuries | in the 1800s / in the 19th century | |
eras | in the Victorian era | |
parts of the day | in the afternoon, in the evening | |
seasons | in spring, in winter | |
at | clock times | at 11.15 p.m. |
times of day | at midnight | |
night | at night | |
holiday time | at Christmas* | |
some expressions | at the weekend, at the beginning/end | |
on | days | on Monday, on Friday morning |
special days/ holiday days | on my birthday, on Christmas Day* | |
dates | on the 17th |
These prepositions express where something/someone is located in relation to something/someone else.
in | at the top | inside |
at | behind | near |
on | below | next to |
above | beneath | on top of |
among | beside | outside |
at the bottom | between | over |
across | by | through |
against | far from | under |
around | in front of | underneath |
Generally the meaning is very literal, and easy to understand:
The dog is in his bed.
The cup is on the table.
My house is across the street from hers.
We lay beneath the tree.
in | enclosed space | in the bathroom, in the cupboard, in the garden |
city, country , region | in Glasgow, in the Lake District | |
forest / woods | in the New Forest | |
the sky | in the sky | |
some expressions | in bed, in hospital, in prison | |
at | specific place | at the station, at the doctor’s, at the door |
exact address | at 25 London Road | |
company | at Tesco, at IBM | |
event | at the races, at the cinema, at a meeting | |
shop or counter | at the chemist, at the farm shop | |
a stop on a journey | the train stops at Manchester* | |
some expressions | at work, at school, at university | |
on | surface | on the table, on the wall, on the page |
transport | on the train, on the Titanic, on the bus | |
street, road, avenue etc. | on Thames St. | |
coastal areas | on the Thames, on the beach, on the river | |
planets | on Mars, on Earth | |
some expressions | on the left/right, on the second floor |
*usually we use in with places. The exception is when talking about stops on a journey, then we use at
at or on with addresses?
at – with the exact address with the number
She lives at 25 London Road.
on – with approximate address
She lives on London Road.
Sometimes the meaning can be nuanced, and also easily swayed by context, for example:.
in hospital | in hospital as a patient |
in the hospital | inside the hospital building |
at the hospital | means visiting or an outpatient |
on the corner | corner of a street |
in the corner | corner of a room |
on the mountain | at the top of the mountains |
in the mountains | the mountain region |
in school | in lessons or classes |
at school | in the school grounds |
in/on the bus | interchangeable - inside the bus |
at the beach | in the area of the beach |
on the beach | actually on the sand |
These prepositions show movement from one place to another, and to indicate a direction
across | against | along |
around | away from | by |
beside | down | from |
into | off of | onto |
out of | over | past |
round | through | to |
toward(s) | under | up |
She was cycling along the road.
He came running up the stairs.
He kicked the ball to me.
We drove around all night.
1. Choose the correct preposition – in, at, on
_____ Monday
_____ January
_____ midnight
_____ foot
_____ the left
_____ Christmas Day
_____ Christmas
_____ 1922
_____ the weekend
_____ the sea
2. Find the incorrect use of a preposition
a. at the bus
b. in the car
c. up the steps
d. along the corridor
3. Which one is incorrect?
a. around the corner
b. in hospital
c. on the school
d. beside the fence
1. on, in, at, on, on, on, at, in, at/on, in
2. a 3. c